Download My Free
55+ Guide to Aging in Place

Download My Free 55+ Guide to Aging in Place

By downloading my 55+ Guide to Aging in Place for free, you’ll gain access to valuable insights and tips on how to navigate aging in place safely and how to make informed decisions that align with your goals for your next chapter. It’s the perfect resource for anyone considering aging in place in their current home or buying a new home to age in place.

Why You Need My 55+ Guide to Aging in Place

Deciding to age in place involves many important factors. In this guide, I will explore the top 5 key considerations for successfully aging in place.

  • Decide Between Remodeling or Moving
    Evaluate whether to stay in your current home with modifications or move to a new one better suited to your needs. Get expert advice on making this important decision, including connecting with professionals for home assessments and finding homes with universal design features.

  • Conduct a Thorough Safety Assessment
    Learn how to conduct a comprehensive safety check of your home to minimize risks and prevent accidents. Access a detailed safety checklist and consider professional assessments to ensure your living environment remains safe and secure.

  • Discover Community Support and Resources
    Identify valuable senior services and community resources that can help you live comfortably at home. Learn about transportation options, meal delivery, and other support services available in your area to extend your ability to age in place without moving to assisted living.

  • Planning for a New Lifestyle
    Learn how to adapt to a new lifestyle by assessing your current hobbies and needs. Discover how to transition from large, cumbersome equipment to more manageable options and enjoy a new, streamlined living environment.